Build a website in 30 seconds or less, even if you’re over 50 Posted on November 11March 18 The generations that grew up without any of the current technology can find the speed of its development quite intimidating. If you had said to me when I was in my twenties that I would soon be able to interact with people all over the globe from my own computer,… Read more
Your mind Do brain development games really make a difference? Posted on November 9January 3 There is some controversy as to whether brain development games really make a difference. In the past researchers found that games improved the ability of people to play the games but did not necessarily spill over into other areas. In other words, if you play a lot of Scrabble, you… Read more
Parenting Style Quiz: parenting 20-something kids Posted on November 3March 18 Parenting adult children is just as important as parenting little ones but it is very different. During the phase when they first move away from home, children begin to mature and start finding out how they want to live their own lives as adults. Many of us make the mistake… Read more
Is protein important to your diet as you age? Posted on October 30March 18 A recent poll (Seven Seas October 2015) has revealed that many empty nesters are eating unhealthily. They seem to lose incentive to cook meals when their children leave home and tend to rather grab a cup of tea and some toast than eating a proper meal. In the study of… Read more
Your mind Can loneliness kill you? Posted on October 23May 29 Science seems to confirm what many of us perhaps feel instinctively – loneliness can kill us. A number of studies have been done over the years proving its negative effects. A study published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science in March 2015, revealed that loneliness increases the risk of… Read more
Inspiration What to do when you feel lost Posted on October 22August 3 When we are feeling lost, it is hard to believe that we will ever find our way again. But, it is that very feeling of being lost that is part of the process of self-discovery. As Henry David Thoreau said “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand… Read more
Job opportunities for over 50s Posted on October 21March 18 If you have spent years raising a family and have always put the needs of others ahead of your own, it is easy to feel redundant once they grow up and leave home. The good news is that job opportunities for over 50s do exist. The mothering role that gave… Read more
Review of Refeathering the Empty Nest by Wendy Aronsson Posted on October 20March 18 Book Title: Refeathering the Empty Nest, Life after the children leave Author: Wendy Aronsson Published: (2014). New York: Rowman & Littlefield Price: Hardcover $36.68 Kindle: $34.19 My Rating: 4-5 I found this book thought-provoking and easy to read. I like the distinction Wendy Aronsson makes when she refers to the… Read more
Different types of cameras Posted on October 19March 18 From point-and-shoots to fancy DSLRs, there are so many different types of cameras that it can make choosing one extremely confusing. Here is a brief look at types, giving their pros and cons as well as a suggestion of a recommended camera within each range. CAMERA PHONE A camera phone… Read more
Bridging the chasm between head and heart Posted on October 17March 18 Last weekend my whole family sat around the table together for the first time in a long time. It was too much like old times for me and after everyone left I felt depressed. Here I was urging others to make the most of their empty nest and I was… Read more
What to look for when buying a camera Posted on October 13March 18 I do not have a decent camera at present and I have been trying to take photos with my cell phone. It takes inadequate photos to say the least and when I went away on some weekend breaks recently, I was seriously disappointed that I didn’t have a decent camera…. Read more
Supplements and memory loss Posted on October 10March 18 Memory loss is feared by most people as they get older. When talking about supplements and memory loss, some people are convinced they make a difference, whilst others disagree. What is the truth? Are there really ways to improve your memory and perhaps even prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease? We… Read more
Venturing out – short trip ideas Posted on October 7February 15 One of the advantages of having an empty nest is being able to travel. Some people go for broke, selling their homes and traveling all over the world. Others, like me, are not able to go too far afield for financial and other reasons. However, this has not stopped me… Read more
Tips on decluttering your home Posted on October 6May 8 When you’ve accumulated possessions over a period of three decades, it’s a mammoth task to try and sort them out. I knew I would have to tackle the task slowly step by step. What I have experienced as I get rid of clutter is how cathartic it can be. My… Read more
Change brain pathways – get rid of that negative bias Posted on October 5October 23 According to neuropsychologist Rick Hanson, humans evolved to be fearful – this helped keep our ancestors alive. He says “understanding how your brain became so vigilant and wary, and so easily hijacked by alarm, is the first step toward gaining more control over that ancient circuitry”. He says that once… Read more
10 Bible verses for depression Posted on October 3October 23 If you are looking for Bible verses for depression, there are many to be found. I have selected just 10 verses that were helpful to me when I was suffering from depression. Many great men and women, including those found in the Bible, have experienced depression. Clinical depression is a… Read more
Your mind How to enjoy eating alone Posted on October 1January 3 When you live on your own, you may feel that you will never learn how to enjoy eating alone, especially if you are used to huge family dinners around the dining room table. The steady flow of chatter about the day’s events is replaced by an intimidating silence. I generally… Read more
When you’re missing your children …. Posted on September 29October 23 REALIZE that it is something that affects most parents when one or more of the children leave home. RECOGNISE that it often occurs at the same time as other life changes such as menopause, ill-health and retirement. There may be a number of reasons making you feel the way… Read more
5 simple actions to improve your day Posted on September 28February 15 Some little actions on a daily basis go a long way towards improving your day. Before you know it, they will become daily habits: Drink a glass of warm water with lemon and wait about 15 minutes before eating breakfast. Your body will thank you because lemons are loaded with… Read more
Empty Nest What is ’empty nest’ syndrome? Posted on September 23January 3 Much has changed in the years since the term was first coined in the 1970s and some studies have suggested that the transition is much easier now with some parents getting a new lease on life when their children leave home. Today many mothers have careers and roles outside of… Read more