Your mind Why does time speed up as you get older? Posted on September 7 When we pass fifty, we seem to think about the passing of time more than ever before and it feels as though it is speeding by. As children, we may learn the concept of time but it stretches out ahead of us and we are not so aware of the… Read more
Empty Nest Count your blessings in an empty nest Posted on August 29 It may feel as if your life will never be the same after the years of hands-on parenting end. You are right – it won’t ever be the same. It will be quite, quite different. But although it’s different, there are ways in which it can be very rewarding. You… Read more
Your relationships How to re-establish your independence post-divorce Posted on August 23 As babies we are completely dependent on our mothers and growing up is a process of becoming more independent. When we get married, it can be a battle to surrender some of that independence for the sake of the relationship. Over the years of marriage, some of us maintain more… Read more
Inspiration A late-life divorce can be a catalyst for growth Posted on August 17 No matter what you do, or who you are, getting a divorce after 50 is going to impact you emotionally, financially, socially, and legally. A new life doesn’t just magically appear for you once the old one has been shattered. Recovery and moving on can be a long, slow and… Read more
Your relationships How an affair impacts a long-term marriage Posted on August 15 An affair can be catastrophic to any relationship. When it happens in a long-term marriage, the consequences can be devastating. I had been married to my husband for decades but I was blind to the signs that he was having an affair. I was so firmly in denial that I… Read more
Your body The impact of divorce on your physical health Posted on August 11 When you are going through a divorce, you may be so traumatized that you stop caring for yourself physically. You may stop exercising, binge on comfort food or neglect to eat, battle to sleep and even resort to drinking too much. This obviously takes its toll on your physical health…. Read more
Your mind What a late-life divorce can do to your brain Posted on August 7 For most individuals, divorce is a very stressful process – even for a partner who wants the divorce. Going through a divorce can easily make you feel as though you are losing your mind. When you are over 50, familiar routines you have built up over years no longer exist… Read more
Your relationships Why forgiveness matters after a divorce Posted on July 25July 28 A divorce is one of those life events that’s a perfect breeding ground for feelings of hurt, guilt, resentment and anger. The natural response to being hurt is to want to hurt back. You want that person who has hurt you to feel the full weight of what you are… Read more
Your mind Does doing crosswords stave off Alzheimer’s disease? Posted on July 19July 19 Arthur Wynne created the first crossword puzzle in 1913. It was published in the Sunday edition of the New York World and called a “Word-Cross” puzzle. It was only due to a typesetting error that it was later changed to “Cross-Word”. Wynne would no doubt be amazed that crosswords became… Read more
Inspiration Adjust to being single after a late-life divorce Posted on July 13July 13 When you’ve been through a divorce and you are no longer a wife or husband, you have to learn how to be comfortable in your skin as a single person once again. After a long-term marriage, you probably don’t even remember what it’s like to be single. It’s exciting to… Read more
Inspiration Using art to express your grief Posted on July 5July 5 When you are experiencing extreme emotions, art gives you a way of venting in a safe way. No matter how disturbing the art you create, it’s much healthier to express these emotions than bottling them up inside. Expressing and transforming feelings into visual images helps you to heal. It gives… Read more
Earn and learn Self-publishing my children’s book, Daisy the Honey Bee Posted on June 26 When I decided to start writing again after a hiatus of many years, I thought that writing a children’s book might be a good place to start. It did not take me long to discover that I was mistaken in thinking it would be easy. What was encouraging, however, was… Read more
Your relationships Help! I’m a divorced Christian Posted on June 21 Divorce and Christian are two words that do not seem to belong together. As a Christian I went into my marriage with the belief that we were making a binding covenant with one another. I believed that we were equally yoked and that our mutual love of God would ensure… Read more
Your relationships Why is the over-50 divorce rate rising? Posted on June 19 Why are so many couples who have been married for years getting divorced? ‘Gray divorce’ figures are rising at a time when other divorce figures are dropping. In a survey done by the Office for National Statistics in the UK, it was found that the number of over-50s who separated… Read more
Your relationships How adult children respond to divorce Posted on June 6June 6 Your role as parents does not end when your children become adults. When you go through a divorce, you may no longer be a husband or a wife but you are still a father or a mother. Parents may feel that because their children are adults, they should be able… Read more
Empty Nest My empty nest is the best of both worlds Posted on May 22 I have the best of both worlds. I spend the week in my empty nest and my 21-year-old daughter comes home from university nearly every weekend. She has the attraction of a boyfriend who lives down the road from me but I don’t care why she comes – I just… Read more
Release My Grip by Kami Gilmour: a review Posted on May 17May 22 In Release My Grip, Kami Gilmour shares her own journey and offers encouragement to all of those facing a time when their kids are leaving home and learning to fly. She writes with humour, honesty and insight, offering wisdom that can only come from someone who has learned the hard… Read more
Make your first affiliate sale on Pinterest in 24 hours Posted on May 9May 15 When I saw the title of the ebook ” How to make your first affiliate sale in 24 hours using Pinterest” my interest was piqued. Pinterest is my favourite platform and I can spend hours pinning but I have never focused on making affiliate sales from it. It was the… Read more
My post-divorce manifesto Posted on May 8 While going through my divorce, I read many helpful books and received plenty of advice from other divorced women. Not all of the advice was helpful but I distilled what really did help me down to five statements that I call my post-divorce manifesto. I continue to remind myself of… Read more
Looking for the best turmeric supplement? Ask these questions Posted on May 2May 22 What do you really need to be aware of when purchasing a turmeric supplement? This is a valid question when there are so many supplements available, all varying in price, quality, purity and strength. It can be quite bewildering to be confronted with such an array and it is easy… Read more