Thriving in an empty nest Posted on June 3January 15 Bringing up children is often an all-consuming, unselfish phase of life. This is why when our children leave home it can be so hard to readjust and settle into the next phase. Some children stay close, taking more and more frequent trips out of the nest, making it somewhat easier for their parents to adjust. For other parents it is a swift severing as their children leave for distant shores. At home in our empty nests, we go through mixed emotions – there is some pining and at the same time, we enjoy our quiet, orderly space and new opportunities. I have discovered that my empty nest is full of surprises – sometimes I am ambushed by sorrow and at other times I revel in my newfound spontaneity and flexibility. Learning how to let go and move on is essential if we are to make the most of the empty nest phase. On this website I offer ways to help with the transition, gleaned from my own experience. Changes are never easy but I believe that if we flow with the rhythm of those changes in our life instead of resisting them, we are able to reap the benefits. I am also passionate about living the best life possible as we start to age. This means caring for our bodies, our minds and our spirits. It also means that we never stop learning and continue to stay productive. I believe that rather than succumbing to the prospect of going downhill after the age of 50, our attitude can make a huge difference. A simple shift in attitude can make the second phase of our lives one of the most meaningful and fulfilling phases.
A Visit to Cabrespine in the South of France Posted on January 3September 7 Visiting the South of France has been on my bucket list ever since I read Peter Mayle’s “A Year in Provence”. Little did I know that my sister and her husband would move from South Africa to Cabrespine in France and I would be flying to visit them on the… Read More
Journaling after a late-life divorce Posted on August 30August 30 Divorce is emotionally taxing and going through divorce after 50 can cause your anxiety to spiral. When you’re anxious it’s difficult to think straight and make sound decisions. Journaling after a late-life divorce can help you to cope with anxiety. It gives you a safe space to process your thoughts… Read More
Empty Nest When you need help in your empty nest Posted on January 9 Feeling mixed emotions when your children leave home is perfectly normal. Even those who thought they would handle the transition with ease may find it is more difficult than they expected. Some grieving is bound to occur. An empty nest often comes at the same time as various other challenges… Read More